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What Is An Employee Wellness Program?

Employee wellness programs, also frequently referred to as worksite wellness programs or employee well-being programs, have no official definition. It commonly refers to a collection of initiatives within an organization to promote healthy lifestyles among employees, and in some cases, spouses and dependents of employees. There are numerous types of initiatives that, if implemented, would qualify as an employee wellness program. These initiatives address different areas, or dimensions, or well-being.

The notion of wellness is frequently associated with gym memberships or green smoothies, limiting the scope to just physical well-being. In reality, well-being is a result of complex interactions among many dimensions that, when nurtured in harmony, improve health and quality of life. Effective wellness programs are ones addressing and promoting holistic dimensions of well-being. Below are eight common dimensions of well-being that can be addressed through a workplace program.

To help employees improve their well-being across all dimensions, companies can employ a wide variety of solutions. Not every solution makes sense for every employer, and some solutions make sense for no employers. The types of wellness programs below should serve as a guide for what is available as well as provide context on who the solution is best suited for. Each solution addresses at least one dimension of well-being, but many address multiple dimensions In this list:

  • Biometric Screening

  • Disease Management

  • Financial Counseling/Planning

  • Fitness Classes

  • Flexible Work Schedules

  • Flu Shots

  • Free Healthy Food

  • Gym Reimbursement

  • Health Coaching

  • Health Education/Literacy

  • Health Fairs

  • Health Risk Assessment (HRA)

  • On-Site/Near-Site Clinics

  • Telemedicine

  • Tobacco Cessation

  • Weight Management

  • Wellness Challenges

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